I am working primarily in radioactive background controls where I specialize in limiting radon outgassing and exposure added backgrounds (like cosmogenic activation, dust, and radon daughter plateout) in rare event searches like nEXO. I'm also interested in how we calibrate large liquid xenon detectors, either using 222Rn injection or external gamma sources. Finally I am interested in xenon recirculation and purification systems for low background detectors like nEXO and XLZD.
Before nEXO was EXO-200, a ~200kg liquid xenon TPC with the same goal as nEXO, discover neutrinoless double beta decay. We did discover double beta decay in 136Xe, but only set limits on the neutrinoless decay mode. I lead the operations at the experiment during its phase 2 running (~2015-2018) at the underground site: a salt mine in southeastern New Mexico.